Welcome to Korean Peninsula Flora
This checklist is a compilation of the native and naturalized pteridophytes, conifers and flowering plants recorded in the Korean peninsula.
Also, we present comprehensive data for all known type specimens collected in Korea. We have carefully examined all of the original protologue and specimens to confirm the status of type specimens. Our goal is to catalog all Korean vascular plant type specimens by 1945 except a few cases.
Visit Our Affiliated Sites: The Woody Plants of Korea (http://florakorea.myspecies.info/en).
Recent Specimen/Observations
huikim - 2015-04-29
huikim - 2015-04-26
huikim - 2015-04-26
Recent Pages
huikim - 2015-04-22
The flora of Korea is poorly known well due to its geographic position between China and Japan
huikim - 2015-04-19
Substantial early additions to the herbarium collection were conducted mainly by Komarov, V. L.
huikim - 2015-04-19
Chang, C.S., H. Kim, & K.S. Chang 2011.
Recently Added Literature
huikim - 2016-04-05
huikim - 2016-04-05
huikim - 2015-04-29